Magru Construction
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"A solid foundation for a carefree life!"

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"Silence and warmth: the power of insulation!"

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"Warm in winter, cool in summer: comfort year-round with insulation!"

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"Protect not only your home, but also your future with energy efficiency!"

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Naturel PVC membrane

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Insulation materials

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Geotekstil - müxtəlif mühəndislik tətbiqlərində geniş istifadə olunan, ətraf mühitin qorunmasını və inşaat layihələrinin davamlılığını təmin edən texniki tekstil materialıdır.

Insulation will bring significant savings and comfort to your home! image

Insulation will bring significant savings and comfort to your home!

Insulating your home is a key factor in creating an energy-efficient, comfortable, and long-lasting living space. Here’s a more detailed look at how insulation can help you save money and improve your quality of life: 1. Reduced Heating and Cooling Costs: Properly insulated walls, roofs, and floors help maintain a comfortable temperature in your home all year round. Insulation keeps the heat inside during winter and preserves the cool air during summer, reducing the need for heating and cooling systems. This can significantly lower your energy bills, saving up to 30% on utility costs. 2. Increased Comfort in Your Home: Insulation provides a stable indoor temperature, eliminating cold drafts and hot spots. This creates a more comfortable atmosphere, making your home cozy in all seasons. Additionally, insulation improves soundproofing, protecting you from unwanted noises from outside and adjacent rooms. 3. Extending the Lifespan of the Building: Insulation protects the structural elements of your home from moisture and extreme temperatures. It prevents the formation of condensation and mold, which can damage building materials. This extends the lifespan of the building and reduces the need for repairs and maintenance. 4. Improved Environmental Sustainability: Using high-quality insulation materials helps reduce your home's carbon footprint. Lower energy consumption for heating and cooling means less reliance on non-renewable energy sources and fewer carbon emissions into the atmosphere. This is an important step towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. 5. Investment Appeal: A well-insulated home has a higher market value. Potential buyers and renters often prefer energy-efficient homes because they offer lower operating costs and a higher level of comfort. Investing in insulation can increase the liquidity of your property and make it more attractive on the market. Overall, insulation is a smart investment that pays off through energy savings, increased comfort, and added value to your home. Choose quality materials and trust the work to professionals to ensure long-term benefits and comfort for you and your family!

in detail

Frequently Asked Questions

Because thermal bridges that can occur in areas such as columns, beams, and curtain walls cause heat loss in buildings, and these thermal bridges can only be fully covered with external insulation. External insulation prevents heat loss in all thermal bridges. Additionally, external insulation protects the building's exterior from adverse weather conditions such as overheating, cooling, precipitation, and frost, while balancing water absorption from the facade. As a result, deformation like cracks or swelling will not occur for many years.

When using roofing and foundation, the second layer of cladding should be fully adhered, centering the joints of the first layer. The overlap width of the insulation material should be at least 10 cm, and the longitudinal overlap should be at least 15 cm.

Insulation offers numerous benefits across various domains. Here are some of them:

Energy Efficiency: Insulation helps preserve heat and cold inside a space, resulting in reduced energy consumption for heating and cooling systems. This leads to lower electricity bills and expenses. Insulation helps maintain a consistent heating and cooling level without the need for constant re-consumption of heat and cold, thus consuming less energy.

Comfortable Environment: Insulation helps maintain a more stable temperature and comfort level inside a building, providing a more comfortable living or working environment.

Soundproofing: Sound insulation reduces noise impact and transmission, making spaces quieter and more cozy.

Protection: Electrical insulation helps protect connections and devices, ensuring the safety of electrical equipment and preventing leaks and short circuits.

Material Protection: Insulation helps protect construction materials from extreme temperatures (heat and cold), preserving their quality over time.

Climate Change Mitigation: Thermal insulation helps efficiently maintain indoor temperatures, reducing the need for heating energy. This results in lower energy consumption and reduced CO2 emissions."""

⦁ Saves an average of 50% on heating or cooling costs, providing better heating in winter and cooling in summer.
 ⦁ Helps prevent pollution and global warming by reducing fuel consumption.
 ⦁ Saves energy consumption in our country due to the productivity it provides.
 ⦁ Prevents sweating that causes mold, black spots and mildew in homes.
 ⦁ Prevents rust from forming in the concrete used in the construction of your home, making your home earthquake resistant.
 ⦁ Creates a comfortable and healthy space by creating a balanced room temperature inside your home».

In general, proper sound insulation is the solution to important sound problems today. As you know, due to population growth, the number of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers is increasing, and partitions are made of narrow bricks so as not to weigh down the foundation. This causes the sound to be heard on adjacent walls and the sound problem causes serious discomfort.


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